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Only hire an SEO company with proven results!
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Start asking ad agencies about social media. You’ll hear the word Facebook so many times you’ll start to think they’re on Facebook’s payroll.
The reason is obvious: social media is where your audience is and Facebook is the most popular in a very popular marketing segment.
We can help you manage your social media presence on Facebook. We can also do it for a large number of other social media platforms: Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest… you name it. (In fact, we have two employees on staff who used to work for Pinterest.)
So just what does social media management mean?
It primarily boils down to a handful of common activities, and some less common ones.
- Making posts. This could be updates, announcements, questions, polls, and many other things.
- Scheduling posts. Sometimes you’ll want to hold an announcement until a certain date. These can be written in advance and scheduled to automatically go public on some future date.
- Cross posting. This is posting essentially the same information on multiple social media networks.
- Updating your company’s social media page(s).
An average social media manager will stop there. We go the extra mile and include a few other high-touch items.
- Hashtag research. Any good social media manager will add hashtags to your posts. Hashtags are like keywords. They are terms that people search on. We’ll actually approach hashtags in the same way we do keyword research for your website, and make sure we’re using the best ones possible.
- Engage. We actively monitor social media channels (part of our Reputation Management package) for mentions of your company, product, service, and sometimes even the names of specific employees.
- Make polite acknowledgments to replies and innocuous comments on your posts or page. By frequently responding to comments, it shows that you are engaged and care more about your customers than simply extracting money from them.
- Forward or notify you about serious inquiries, negative comments, or comments that merit more than just a polite reply.
- Seek permission to use spontaneous, unsolicited testimonials in future marketing materials for your business.
- Editorial calendar. We won’t just post content, we’ll work with you to actually plan content. After all, a steady stream of fresh and original content is the sign of a vibrant company.
- Content repurposing. We take cross-posting to a whole new level. At minimum, we’ll take excerpts from the blog posts or pages on your website and post those to social media. If you, or anyone in your company, has any additional content you want shared such as — books, podcasts, recordings of public speaking engagements, interviews — we take excerpts of them and post those too.
Social media is all about connecting. We’ll help you connect in meaningful ways that lead to customer loyalty.
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Ready to chat about how our SEO company can grow your business?
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